SYT Wellnes Uses Smart Barcode to Promote Health


Famous Chinese Medicine Clinic Uses Digitalised Barcode to Promote Health Recipes


Faithful to the belief "Superior doctors (上醫) treat illness before they emerged”, Dr. Cheung offers not only traditional therapies like acupuncture and prescription of herbal formula, but also introduced a range of wellness supplements, herbal tea and soup collections, to help people fend off disease. The supplements include MindRx sleep aid product that helps improve sleep quality and concentration, Aller3+ for the irritable nose and guts, OsteoSoothe for joint and bone relief, Fitamine for healthy weight loss, BoneTonic Relief Patch for natural pain relief, among others.

From research to harvesting, extracting the raw ingredients to production, SYT Wellness strictly comply with international certification standards, for example manufacturing in GMP- and ISO-certified plant. The products are tested and approved by the Hong Kong government’s accredited testing centers (ALS, STC and SGS, etc), which ensure no detectable levels of heavy metals, microorganisms, agricultural residue and other harmful substances, as well as meeting the promised ingredients level. Mostly made in Hong Kong, SYT Wellness applied GS1 Hong Kong barcode to assure identification and getting listed onto retail shops and online stores.

“Our products are relatively new to the market, so we are doing whatever we can on publicity. The Smart Barcode and Smart QR on product package can let consumers scan for more product information, watch and share promotional video, receive coupons for shopping and more, so it’s logical for us to adopt.”
Doug Cheung
Doug Cheung,
General Manager
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SYT Wellness supplements are available in its own clinics’ and e-shop, HKTVMall and The Club, distributing in limited retail outlets. The clinic, upon knowing that GS1 HK’s Smart QR can drive sales promotion and online business, turned to generate the QR on BarcodePlus, a GS1 HK’s product information portal, and put onto the product package. The clinic can use the same QR to provide different offers at different times, like launching 11% rebate on Double-11 online shopping festival, or putting up gift bag or games during Christmas / New Years, enabling consumers to “scan for surprises”.

The Smart QR is applied on different products including MindRx, Aller3+, OsteoSoothe and BoneTonic Relief Patch. Without changing the packaging, the company can connect consumers to promotional video, or membership programme, or to its e-shop to buy directly by changing the QR code linkage. Ideal for customer engagement and boosting sales, the QR code is also easy to implement.

Smart barcode can elevate search engine and e-store ranking. By ensuring SYT Wellness product barcodes are correct on cross-platforms, its customers can use search engine like Google, Yahoo!, Bing to detect barcode and look into the relevant company and product information. Shoppers can also use the in-app scanners by e-com platforms like HKTVMall, Taobao and Amazon to identify products, making it easy for them to buy and share, promoting online and offline business.

GS1 standards used or solution (s) / service (s) applied

GS1 HK’s Smart Barcode and Smart QR support SYT Wellness on its digitalisation journey and long-term growth:

  • Smart QR drives marketing using same QR to offer different promotions at different times;
  • QR code connects to website and provides abundant information;
  • Smart barcode can lift up website ranking and product awareness, driving online traffic and connecting customers;
  • The barcode allows old customers to link to e-shop with mobile, encouraging re-purchase
About Company

With over 40 years of clinical experience, registered Chinese medicine practitioners Dr. Cheung Yung established SYT Wellness Pain Specialist Chinese Medicine Clinic in 2016. Providing solutions to diversified issues, the treatment covers traditional medicine, massage therapy, bone settings, bruises and sprains, and more. With more than 50,000 Famous Chinese Medicine Clinic Uses Digitalised Barcode to Promote Health Recipes medical visits per year, the clinic is widely recognised by local and international clients.
