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  • ICT (Technology)
9 Mar 2015

Innovative RFID Tag and Smart Label Technology Application Forum

10:30 - 16:25
Member price: FREE
Non member price: FREE

Having real-time inventory visibility is often a key challenge in implementing Omni-channel strategy.

Enquiry: 2861 2819



Having real-time inventory visibility is often a key challenge in implementing Omni-channel strategy. According to market researches, apparel & footwear retailers are only having an average of 63% inventory accuracy in their systems.

The Solution : Radio Frequency Identification (RFID

RFID can provides visibility of product movement, streamlines distribution, improves demand forecasting, and makes manufacturing more responsive to market changes.  Other potential applications include loss prevention, shipping & logistics management, WIP & production management, etc. When supply chain partners start to collaborate and share information, it can bring magnificent values as the intelligence derived from every partner can be leveraged to improve processes, reduce costs, and increase profit margins. The forum will discuss with a 360 degree to examine the latest RFID technology trends and the applications to realize the business benefits in the apparel and footwear industry.

Organizer : GS1 HK
Date : 9 March 2015 (Mondy) 
Time : 10:30 am – 4:25 pm
Venue : 广州中国进出商品交易会展馆 B区1号会议室
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