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【Cybersecurity Mesh Forum 2023】The Next Wave of Cyber Defence
16 Jun 2023

【Cybersecurity Mesh Forum 2023】The Next Wave of Cyber Defence

08:45- 16:25
The Great Room, Level 7, W Hong Kong, West Kowloon 

According to experts, implementing a Cybersecurity Mesh Architecture (CSMA) can reduce the financial impact of individual security incidents by an average of 90% by 20241. As cyber threats continue to evolve, a holistic and dynamic approach to security like CSMA is becoming increasingly critical. To stay cyber resilient, organisations must integrate their network, identity, and endpoint securities, together with security operations and SD-WAN, under a zero-trust framework.

The upcoming Singtel cybersecurity forum in Hong Kong, themed "Cybersecurity Mesh: The next wave of cyber defence," will focus on the importance of the Cybersecurity Mesh Approach in the current cybersecurity landscape and its role in safeguarding businesses in the post-pandemic era.

Into its 10th year, Singtel Cybersecurity Mesh Forum 2023 will also cover various topics on cybersecurity trends, Singtel's Managed Security Services (MSS) and Advanced Security Operations Centre (ASOC) services, and partnerships with security solution providers to control, monitor, and respond to security threats.

This full-day physical forum will bring together 200 security and network professionals and C-suite executives from various industries, such as financial services, manufacturing, media, logistics and retail. This event is for IT and cybersecurity professionals seeking to stay up-to-date on cybersecurity trends and gain deeper insight into the Cybersecurity Mesh approach. It will also benefit other industry professionals looking for cybersecurity solutions or to enhance their knowledge of cybersecurity.

1 Gartner, Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2022: Cybersecurity Mesh, 2022


Programme Agenda

Morning Session  
08:45 - 09:15 Registration and Showcase Visit
09:15 - 09:20

Opening Remarks
Ernest Lui
Country Director, Global Business, Singtel Enterprise Business

09:20 - 09:45 Opening Keynote: 2023 Global Future of Cyber Survey

Phill Everson
Global Chief Operating Officer, Risk Advisory

09:45 - 10:25

Opening Panel: Where Are We in Post-Covid Era?

Panel Chair 
Paul Jackson
Regional Managing Director, APAC Cyber Security & Investigations

Executive Panellists
Sam Coco
Head of Global Information Security

Dirk Engeler
Chief Information Security Officer
Hong Kong Jockey Club

Micky Lo
Senior Vice President, Risk Management
Galaxy Entertainment Group

Valerian Rossigneux
Director of Sales Engineering, Asia

10:25 - 10:50
Keynote 1: CSMA – What Does It Stand for?
Johnny Kho
Director, Managed Security Services, Cyber Managed Security Services
10:50 - 11:15

Keynote 2: SSE and Zero Trust Security Are The Best Weapons for Cyber Threat Protections
Foad Farrokhnia
Head of Channels GTM, APJ

11:15 - 11:35 Morning Networking Coffee Break and Showcase Visit
11:35 - 12:00 Keynote 3: Disrupting the Cyber Attack Chain: The Future of Content Disarm and Reconstruction Technology
Mark Chan
Technical Director, APJ
12:00 - 12:25 Keynote 4: Active Directory: The Weakest Link in Your Security Chain? How to Secure Your System Against Advanced Threats and Insider Misuse with Continuous Monitoring and Assessment
Kit Leung
Senior Security Engineer
12:25 - 12:50 Keynote 5: Silent & Deadly - The Weaponization of Firmware
Dalton Tan
Senior Director - International Sales
Afternoon Session  
12:50 - 13:50 Executive Networking Luncheon and Showcase Visit
13:50 - 14:30

Panel Discussion: Cybersecurity Mesh: The Next Wave of Cyber Defence

Panel Chair 
Irene Chan
Associate Director, Product and Business Management, Cyber Security

Executive Panellists
Vivian Poon
Head of Information Security

Cyril Luk
Vice President, Cyber Risk, Group Technology Risk Management
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEx)

14:30 - 14:55 Keynote 6: Shift Left Security: How to Embed Security into Your Development Process
Billy Yung
Staff Solutions Engineer
14:55 - 15:20  Keynote 7: Establishing an Autonomous SOC Strategy
Mickey Perre
APAC Cybersecurity Strategist
15:20 - 15:35 Afternoon Networking Coffee Break and Showcase Visit
15:35 - 16:00

Fireside Chat with Bitsight & GS1 Hong Kong
Global Identification Standards Facilitating Supply Chain & Digital Trade Cybersecurity Scoring, the Past Result of your Cybersecurity Defence

Anson Poon
Senior Consultant
GS1 Hong Kong

Terence Cheong
Consulting Engneer Manager

Frederick Yip
Executive Director 
Goldjoy Travel Limited 

16:00 - 16:25 Closing Keynote: ChatGPT and More: What AI Chatbots Mean for The Future of Cybersecurity
Paul Haswell
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
16:25 End of Conference
Ernest Lui
Ernest Lui
Country Director, Global Business, Singtel Enterprise Business
Phil Everson 1
Global Chief Operating Officer, Risk Advisory
Paul Jackson
Regional Managing Director, APAC Head of Cyber Security & Investigations
Sam Coco
Head of Global Information Security
Dirk Engeler
Chief Information Security Officer
Hong Kong Jockey Club
Micky Lo 1
Senior Vice President, Risk Management
Galaxy Entertainment Group
Valerian Rossigneux
Director of Sales Engineering, Asia
Johnny Kho
Director, Managed Security Services, Cyber Managed Security Services
Foad Farrokhnia
Head of Channels GTM, APJ
Mark Chan 1
Technical Diretor, APJ
Kit Leung
Senior Security Engineer
Dalton Tan
Senior Director - International Sales
Irene Chan
Associate Director, Product and Business Management, Cyber Security
Vivian Poon
Head of Information Security
Cyril Luk
Vice President, Cyber Risk, Group Technology Risk Management
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX)
Billy Yung
Staff Solutions Engineer
Mickey Perre
APAC Cybersecurity Strategist
Anson Poon
Senior Consultant
GS1 Hong Kong
Terence Cheong
Consulting Engineer Manager
Frederick Yip 1
Executive Director
Goldjoy Travel Limited
Paul Haswel
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
Google Maps:
The Great Room, Level 7, W Hong Kong, West Kowloon 
Add to calendar
Mr. Alfred Chan
2863 9730
