

GS1香港條碼 (489 Barcode)

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條碼 (barcode) 的效益



全球有超過100萬家企業採用GS1條碼 (Barcode)及全球貿易貨品編碼(GTINs),包括所有大型零售商及網上商店,包括Google、亞馬遜、eBay 及天貓。使用GS1條碼不但可以提升企業運作的成本效益,還可以接觸全球潛在客戶。






每個GS1 條碼都是獨一無二的號碼,就像您的香港身份證號碼一樣,不會重覆,不但確保您的產品可以順利上架銷售,更能在供應鏈上輕鬆管理,讓產品能夠順利全球運送。


GS1 HK barcode 489 product ID

6大原因,您要向GS1 HK申請香港條碼

亞馬遜eBay and Google shopping 要求貨品加入GS1作產品識別碼

GS1 條碼 (barcode) 已獲得全球大型電商平台認可,作為產品識別碼。沒有 GS1 條形碼,產品甚至無法在亞馬遜上銷售。


條碼協助 Google更容易了解你的網內容,更清楚地識別您的產品。加入正確的bar code後,可以大大提升Google 購物廣告(Google Shopping Ad)的表現 ,有機會最多增加四成點擊(只提供英文版)兩成轉換率(只提供英文版)了解更多


產品條碼以「489」開頭代表該產品由香港註冊公司處理。GS1 HK是唯一在香港獲授權發出全球認可、以「489」為字首、獨一無二、並且可於全球主要零售商、電商平台及零售點使用的條碼。此外,GS1 HK也會提供多項本地支援及服務,聯絡我們了解條碼應用及立即向GS1 HK申請條碼!


  • 智慧條碼: 免費為您的網店帶來流量及生意。
  • 成功案例: 上醫堂鑽石酒家
  • GS1 HK 1QR: 透過提供多元化的產品資訊,例如產品資料、公司資訊、優惠及獎賞、證書認證及更多,讓您可直接與消費者互動及建立消費者信心。
  • 成功案例: 同健有限公司


  • 額外配上專利的防偽及溯源技術後,便可讓消費者簡單以手機掃描條碼,驗證產品真偽及獲得溯源資訊。品牌也可同時獲得實時的消費者掃描數據,了解消費者行為。想知更多
  • 成功案例: 同健有限公司恆香老餅家市場




簡單3個步驟,為你的產品加上GS1 條碼

1.於GS1 HK 申請成為會員

成功申請成為全面編碼會員後,可以獲取多項會員權益,以及屬於您的產品獨一無二的條碼編號 (barcode)。收到所有文件及費用後,本會一般需要1個工作天處理申請。

2.  於 BarcodePlus 上建立條碼

可於 BarcodePlus建立獨一無二的的條碼 (barcode),管理您的產品數據和其他 GS1 標識號。

3. 於產品上加上條碼 (barcode)



為什麼要加入GS1 HK?


GS1 HK (香港貨品編碼協會) 是GS1® 的香港分會,一直致力協助本港機構採用全球標準,改善供應鏈的運作,提高效率及透明度。 GS1標準為企業提供一套共通語言,可用作識別, 擷取 及分享 供應鏈中的數據,以便企業捕捉準確而一目了然的重要資訊。

GS1 HK會標準包括數據載體,例如UPC HK條碼,EAN HK條碼和EAN 13條碼。它們用於編碼信息,例如產品編號,序列號和批號。條碼(包括EAN HK條碼和EAN 13條碼)在供應鏈中起著關鍵作用,使包括零售商,製造商,運輸提供商和醫院在內的用戶能夠在產品通過供應鏈時自動識別和跟踪產品。

GS1 HK管理多種類型的條碼應用程序,其中許多符合ISO標準。每個設計用於不同的情況。您將獲得GS1 HK官方證書(紙本及數碼證書),讓您放心,條碼編號是您的唯一,國際公認的真實來源。



Can UPC-A and UPC-E barcodes be scanned outside USA/Canada?

Yes. The GS1 System was designed based on the UPC barcode system, so the UPC-A & UPC-E symbols are 100 percent compatible with all GS1 Systems. Companies using UPC-A & UPC-E bar codes can have their products identified across the globe without any difficulty.

Can EAN 13 Symbols be scanned in USA/Canada?

A sunrise date on January 1, 2005 has been set for the global acceptance of GTIN-13. However, a few retailers in the US and Canada may experience a problem in that their systems not able to accommodate GTIN-13. In such case, the GTIN-12 represented in a UPC-A or UPC-E Symbol is required.

Are GS1 barcodes the only application suitable for the retail point-of-sale?

No. The GS1 System is a totally neutral system that can be used to identify anything that is traded among companies, as well as individual retail items at the point-of-sale. Goods are scanned as they leave manufacturers, as they are handled by distributors, scanned again at goods inwards at warehouses and depots, again for stock counts, as orders are picked and so on. The system is used by companies operating in all trade and industry sectors. Product barcode registration from GS1 HK, the only official Hong Kong barcode issuer in Hong Kong.

What is 489 barcode?

Barcode numbers beginning with 489 are the barcode numbers that come directly from GS1 Hong Kong and only GS1 Hong Kong is the official issuer of 489 barcode. After joining GS1HK full membership, you can enjoy variety of product barcode application which provide a common language to identify, capture and share supply chain data, to ensure important information is accessible, accurate and easy to understand. 

After you have product barcodes registration with GS1 HK, your product can ensure is globally unique ensure and use global standards include data carriers such as UPC HK barcodes and EAN HK barcodes. They are used to encode information such as product numbers, serial numbers and batch numbers. Product barcodes, including UPC HK barcodes, EAN HK barcodes and EAN 13 barcodes, play a key role in supply chains, enabling users including retailers, manufacturers, transport providers and hospitals to automatically identify and track products as they move through the supply chain. GS1 barcodes manages several types of barcodes, many of which comply with ISO standards. Each is designed for use in a different situation. After product barcode registration, you will receive an official GS1 certificate (in paper and digital format), to verify that your barcode numbers are unique, internationally recognised and of authentic source.


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