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Hong Kong ICT Awards - Smart Mobility Award

Source: GS1

URL: https://www.gs1hk.org/SmartMobilityAward

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Hong Kong ICT Awards 2024

Source: OGCIO

URL: https://www.hkictawards.hk/news.php


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IOT Data Hackathon 2024

Source: GS1 HK

URL: https://www.gs1hk.org/iotdatahackathon

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Hong Kong ICT Awards 2023 - Smart Mobility Award

Source: GS1 HK

URL: https://www.gs1hk.org/SmartMobilityAward

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The Hong Kong ICT Awards 2022

Source: OGCIO

URL: https://www.hkictawards.hk/news.php

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Hong Kong ICT Awards 2022 - Smart Mobility Award

Source: GS1 HK

URL: https://www.gs1hk.org/SmartMobilityAward

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Hong Kong ICT Awards 2022

Source: OGCIO

URL: https://www.hkictawards.hk/news.php

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Top business trends that have accelerated due to the disruptions of the past year

Source: GS1

URL: https://www.gs1.org/articles/top-business-trends-have-accelerated-due-disruptions-past-year

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Source: Forbes

URL: https://www.forbeschina.com/business/53254

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Reimagining Digital Governance With Artificial Intelligence And IoT

Source: Forbes

URL: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/03/09/reimagining-digital-governance-with-artificial-intelligence-and-iot/

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IoT malware attacks saw a huge rise last year

Source: Techradar

URL: https://www.techradar.com/news/iot-malware-attacks-saw-a-huge-rise-last-year

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The IoT mass adoption challenge

Source: Techradar

URL: https://www.techradar.com/news/the-iot-mass-adoption-challenge

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Gartner on Enterprise IoT: Segment and Isolate Everything

Source: BankInfoSecurity

URL: https://www.bankinfosecurity.com/gartner-on-enterprise-iot-segment-isolate-everything-a-16257

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Hong Kong ICT Awards 2021 - Smart Mobility Award

Source: GS1 HK

URL: https://www.gs1hk.org/SmartMobilityAward


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Hong Kong ICT Awards 2021

Source: OGCIO

URL: https://www.hkictawards.hk/news.php

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Hong Kong ICT Awards 2020 - Smart Mobility Award

Source: GS1 HK

URL: https://www.gs1hk.org/SmartMobilityAward

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Hong Kong ICT Awards 2020

Source: OGCIO

URL: https://www.hkictawards.hk/news.php

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Hong Kong ICT Awards 2019 - Smart Mobility Award

Source: GS1 HK

URL: https://www.gs1hk.org/SmartMobilityAward

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Hong Kong ICT Awards 2019

Source: OGCIO

URL: https://www.hkictawards.hk/news.php


Nedap參與GS1 HK學院課程鞏固全球RFID領袖地位

作為全球零售界別RFID解決方案的領袖,Nedap致力為零售商透視整個供應鏈,讓他們隨時隨地準確配對供應與需求,為消費者帶來無縫的購物體驗。 公司透過ID…


"GS1標準使我們能夠透過標準化的方式,在正確的時間識別正確的產品,提高營運效率並支持數據分析。" -- 行政總裁 岑廸贊先生   …




“透過GS1 HK的『REAL Visibility』 方案,客人可以買到多種正品恆昌隆的保 健系列產品,進一步推動產品的銷售情 況。” -- …


"GS1條碼的支持及陪伴,令我們更有信心闖遍天下!" -- 行政總裁許慶得先生   挑戰  …


"作為農產品供應商,全球化標準對我們非常重要,協助公司在市場建立信任及符合政府的規定要求。 我們期望全球化標準會繼續為我們的供應鏈增值,在農產品行業創立出現代新模式…


“自2000年成立以來,TradeLink已成為全球進口商/品牌的供應鏈解決 方案合作夥伴…
