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Management Skills Training Series

GS1 HK Academy Management Skills Training Series

Refer to timetable
22/F, OTB building, 160 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai

GS1 HK Academy Management Skills Training Series

Date: 2024

Time: refer to timetable

Location: 22/F, OTB Building, 160 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Cantonese (supplemented with English materials)

    Timetable & Enrolment Form   

Workshop 1 - Crisis Management and Business Recovery Readiness

Join us at this insightful workshop that equips you with the knowledge and tools to navigate crises effectively. Whether you’re a business leader, manager, or aspiring professional, this workshop will empower you to handle disruptions confidently.


Understanding Crisis Management

  • Definition and importance of crisis management and business recovery readiness
  • Types of business crises

Crisis Management Framework

  • Risk identification, assessment, and mitigation
  • Crisis response strategies

Business Recovery Readiness

  • Developing robust business continuity plans
  • Crafting effective business recovery plans
  • Learning from real-world case studies and best practices

Key Takeaways

  • Strengthened crisis response capabilities
  • Insights into successful crisis management
  • Best practices for business recovery readiness
Workshop 2 - Unlocking Business Success: Dive into Business Models!

Want to transform your business vision into reality?

Time to revolutionize your business strategy?

Need to craft a winning business model?

Join us at this insightful workshop that will help you to master the concept and application of business models, and ultimately pave your path to business success!


The Concept of a Business Model

  • The importance of a business model in business planning
  • Key components of a business model
  • Different types of business models
  • Characteristics of successful business models

Trends & Insights

  • How innovation shapes business model design
  • Real-world cases of successful business model innovations across various industries

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the concept of business model
  • Uncover the secrets behind successful business models
  • Learn how companies have adapted their business models to respond to market changes
Workshop 3 – Grow Your Business with Founder’s Mentality

Do you know that 85% of executives say that the main barriers to achieving their growth goals are internal, controllable to them, not market factors or competitors?

Have you ever heard about the growth paradox, that growth creates complexity by its very nature, yet complexity is the silent killer of profitable growth in most cases?

Founder’s mentality is a critical concept and an amazing measure to the power of the internal health of a company to keep its energy up, to innovate, and to stay focused.

Join us at this insightful workshop to explore the key principles of Founder’s Mentality that drive thriving companies. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, a company executive, or an aspiring leader in your organization, this workshop is your gateway to unlock your business success.


Introduction to the Founder’s mentality

  • The core elements of the founder's mentality
  • Characteristics of companies that exhibit the founder's mentality
  • The benefits of cultivating the founder's mentality

The Three Disconnects

  • Learn about the growth disconnect, the scale disconnect, and the bureaucracy disconnect
  • Strategies for addressing each of the three disconnects Reviving the Founder’s Mentality
  • The role of leadership in fostering the founder's mentality

Key Takeaways

  • Explore the essence of the Founder’s Mentality and its impact on sustained growth
  • Understand the benefits of cultivating the founder's mentality for your business
  • Gain insights from successful cases

    Timetable & Enrolment Form   

For Group Enrolment (with TWO people or above) : HKD900 per person
22/F, OTB building, 160 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai
Ms. Carrie Wong
